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  • How much do you charge for something custom?
    If you need something designed from scratch, I charge $25 for the first hour, then $10 per hour there after. If you have a .STL file or I'm able to find what you want online, I charge $3 per hour of print time. This is the same for lithophanes and multi-colored items.
  • What colors do you have?
    My color variety widely varies and changes all the time. I will always do my best to match what color you ask for.
  • How many printers do you have?
    Currently, I have 6 working printers. They are: 1. Prusa M3 Mk3 2. Prusa M3 Mk3s + MMU2.0 3. Ender 3 4. CR-10 5s 5. Monoprice mini delta 6. Prusa Mini
  • What is a "litho" or "lithophane"?"
    A lithophane is a photo that has been given depth based on the light or darkness of each pixel. The idea behind it is when you hold the image up to a light, it shows up how a normal photo would. For a more in depth history and explaination, please visit
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