Rick: "Alright, Morty, listen up! These Cartoon Magnets—yeah, that’s right, magnets of me and, uh, y'know, that Evil Morty guy—are like, peak interdimensional fridge décor. Slap ‘em on your fridge, your locker, your portal gun case—I don’t care! They’re strong, they’re cool, and they make you look 17% smarter just by owning ‘em. But hey, don’t take my word for it, go ahead and not buy ‘em—see if I care… except I do, because capitalism, Morty!"
Morty: "Geez, Rick, you really gotta sell everything like this? I mean, they are pretty cool… b-but, y'know, Evil Morty kinda freaks me out."
Cartoon Magnets